Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Hiking Auburn State Park in California After Crazy Rainstorms

For the last few months California got hit with torrential rainstorms that had a major impact on the local landscape.  Overflown rivers claimed many beaches and mud slides modified the natural architecture of slopes and cliffs.  Not to mention the Oroville dam fiasco in the norther part of California.  But now, that the sun came out and days became warm and springy, George and I decided to visit one of the hiking trails that's not too far from us: Auburn State Recreation Area.

This is one of my favorite places to visit for a nice, peaceful, not too strenuous hike with beautiful scenery.  It is a popular weekend destination for the locals and for Sacramentians alike, but the area is so vast, and there are so many different hikes that one never feels crowded.  Most of the hikes are open year round and can lead to some truly magical places.  Recently, however, some trails got seriously damaged and are temporarily closed.    

We decided to stay close to the American River and hike its banks.  The river wasn't raging anymore, although it wasn't looking completely flat either.  Some areas looked pretty violent, and quite mesmerizing to look at.  I could sit and stare at the angry, tumultuous waves for hours.  Plus, the sound of water is very calming to me.  

Some of the narrow hiking paths in the upper banks of the river were washed out by the rain, so we didn't venture much further for now.  Sometimes just sitting close tot he river and staring at its peaceful flow is enough to quiet your soul.  And the beautiful surrounding mountains only add to the grandeur of the place.

If you are blessed to be close to this awesome place, I would highly recommend visiting it and taking one of its many hiking trails.  Close contact with nature, God's second book has so many health benefits, I don't even know what are you waiting for?

Happy Hiking!


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